Archive for February 4th, 2009


Homeless in College, She was Determined and Graduated

February 4, 2009
Sakina Lockhart is 22 years-old and she graduated from college after spending part of her education living on the streets. After losing her funding for student housing and faced with incredible odds, Sakina kept going to class?.every day. She was scared, embarrassed and frustrated ? but she was also something else. Driven. She refused to let homelessness become her reality and fought tooth and nail to remain in what she called the real world by going to class and hitting the books. She starts a full time job this week and will be taking over full responsibility for all of her bills in the next couple of months. To view more of Chris’s work:

StandUp for Kids – Street Outreach – Reaching Homeless Kids

February 4, 2009
StandUp For Kids Miami mentors kids every week at a shelter, helping them learn life-skills so they one day they’ll have what they need to stay off the street. Their street outreaches have expanded to new neighborhoods and receive calls from many parts of the County from kids and adults who care about their well-being. Learn about how they take to the streets to help homeless kids. Produced by Chuck Fadely for the Do 1 Thing project. To view more of Chuck’s work: Visit