Archive for February 3rd, 2009


Do1Thing: A Success Story

February 3, 2009
Do1Thing co-founders Najlah Feanny Hicks and Pim Van Hemmen learned the impact that one person could have on another person’s life through their work with the Heart Gallery, a project they started to encourage the adoption of teens in the foster care system. This video shows the impact one person had on the life of Jamillah Williams, a teen who aged out of the foster care system and became a single mother.

Jorge Vazquez, Singing his Way Through Homelessness

February 3, 2009
Twenty-year-old Jorge Vazquez survived an alcholic and drug addicted mother. His family disowned home after dropping out of college when he couldn’t afford the fees. With no place to go, he ended up homeless. Covenant House PA took him in.
Produced by David Swanson.